David Maisel
Museum Exhibition

Salt Lines: Exploring Climate, Environment, and the Saline Influx
Southern Utah Museum of Art, Cedar City, UT
October 19, 2024 - March 1, 2025
Salt lines mark the merging of saltwater and freshwater, where river meets sea. Migrations, manipulations, and transmutations of saltwater and saline bodies, however, have transformed salt into both the maker and marker of climate change. Salt lines now form the boundary between present crisis and future disaster — a line that we as humans are dangerously close to crossing. In Salt Lines: Exploring Climate, Environment, and the Saline Influx, the past, present, and future of salt in our local landscape and global community are examined across three bodies of work that employ multiple media.  This exhibition features David Maisel's aerial photographs from his Terminal Mirage series, taken at the periphary of the Great Salt Lake.
Learn more at suu.edu