Haines is pleased to announce the acquisition of Meghann Riepenhoff’s Ice #323 (27-39°F, Confluence of Schel Chelb Ephemeral Stream and Puget Sound, WA 02.24.22), 2022 by the National Gallery of Art, Washingon, D.C.
From her recent Ice series of works, the work was created in the freezing bodies of water, and was exhibited in Haines' 2023 group exhibition Elemental. Remarking on its creation, the artist shares: “Each piece of debris, each piece of sand, or dirt, or dust, or a hair of mine or a stick that comes in contact with the print, each one of those things contributes to the ice crystals form on the paper; and even the ice melting on the power lines above me left its own kind of markers on the paper. As the ice crystals form and then melt, they leave residue of their impact in the photographic chemistry, so each print is like a fingerprint of the place and time that it happened.”
Learn more at NGA.GOV