Binh Danh
Museum Exhibition

Vietnam in Transition, 1976–Present
The Wende Museum, Culver City, CA
April 1 - October 22, 2023
Binh Danh's works are included in Vietnam in Transition, 1976–Present, an exhibition at the Wende Museum exploring the multi-layered intersections of art, history, and memory in Vietnam since the end of the Vietnam War — in Vietnam known as the American War — and national reunificationt.
The exhibition presents contemporary artwork reflecting on various aspects of Vietnamese postwar history, interspersed with historical artifacts and documents from everyday life. Danh's chlorophyll leaf prints — in which photographic images of the Vietnamese war and its aftermath appear embedded on leaves through photosynthesis — are featured alongside photographs of his visit to Pulau Bidong, the site of the refugee camp in Malaysia where he lived with his family after they fled Vietnam.
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